Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Artist Spotlight: Andrea Marcus

This post is about an artist I think a lot of people in the online design/art community will take to: Andrea Marcus.

In my opinion, Andrea is one of the most innovative artists out there today. She is wildly creative, passionate, and her talents are incredibly versatile.

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Andie is renowned in Toronto for her stunning glass work, which is displayed in the studio cafe in Toronto's Four Seasons hotel -- but it is her most recent project that has really struck a chord with me.

                     andrea marcus 2


The above image is the complete work and the one below is a close up so you can see the detail that goes into each work.

andrea marcus 1 detail  

andrea marcus at work


The process of Andy's work is both unique and time consuming.

First Andie paints each canvas. Then she proceeds to  form a variety of small shapes of a melted plastic-like material on silpat sheets or directly on to the canvass. She then glues the shapes on to the canvas in beautiful patterns and designs.

The result is a stunning 3-D work of art that is bold yet delicate with its floating designs and rich texture.


andrea marcus 1


                        andrea marcus 2 detail


Here is another close-up- love the bright psychedelic colours!


andrea marcus 3



The black is so sexy!


andrea marcus 5


I love the aquatic feel of this one. It's so organic. It reminds me of the movement of seaweed!




I'm lucky to have my own smaller work by Andie to display in my bedroom.


It fits perfectly in my black and white scheme and adds an organic texture to the room.


My younger sisters say they look like black spiders!


I think it's fabulous!




You can't see the details with my crappy camera so here is a close-up:



Also a side view so you can appreciate the fabulous texture.





Andie's star is beginning to rise,  so I suggest checking her out now if you're interested in having your own piece. On a recent visit to Toronto, international popstar and artist Mika was so taken with Andie's work (which was displayed in his hotel) that he ended up spending an hour at her house contemplating which pieces to purchase for himself!

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