Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Dose of Spring for those February Blahs

So far this month there has been approximately 85 cm of snow dumped on Toronto, bringing the tally for the season to about 162 cm so far!

It is so bleeping cold, the snow has made getting around the city impossible, and every day I have kittens trying to commute back and forth to work on the icy roads.

Luckily, I'm paying a visit to the family condo in Miami for the long weekend, but until my flight tonight, I've been perusing the offerings on Williams Sonoma Home's website for Spring.

Blues and yellows and creams - oh my!










Spring cannot come soon enough!


  1. haha... you too huh! i needed to spring up my blog as well. looking outside gets me depressed!

    jenn lee

  2. honestly, eh!!

    And they said there's 20 cm on the way this sunday...i can't take it!
