Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Marie Moment

Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette is a feast for the eyes.

The costumes and sets are to-die-for and the film has been lusted over by design enthusiasts (but not film critics!) ever since its 2006 release.

The Laduree colours, towering wigs, lace petticoats and delicate silk slippers are all works of art.

The use of one of my favourite Strokes songs in a key scene ("whatever happened") combined with the elaborate edible sculptures and bright colours is like slicing into my own custom birthday cake. All the flavours I want are packed into one pretty pastel package!


It's too bad the same attention to detail was not directed towards crafting an engaging plot, but I don't really mind as every time I watch the film, I see the world in macaroon-tinted glasses for the rest of the day!

A lovely post on All Things Bright and Beautiful on Marie-inspired fashions has reminded me to post some shots of my Marie Antoinette Halloween costume from last year.


It was by no means professional or authentic, but it was so fun to transform into such a frivolous and frou-frou character on a night usually reserved for ghastly ghouls and slutty nurses.


I somehow convinced my wonderful boyfriend to be my Louis for the night!

What a good sport!

I made him a  faux-fur trimmed cape and he even wore the wig for most of the night.

I have to say he enjoyed his Seinfeld-esque puffy shirt far more than I thought he would!


  1. I love the Marie Antoinette look- as you can tell by our blog banner! The colors are so vibrant and girly..I hear that movie is pretty awful but it makes me want to watch it solely for the fashion and set design! So gorgeous!

  2. NOW THAT'S FUN!!! :)

    You guys look so cute. my husband and i went out as the green hornet and kato this past halloween! lol

  3. You must tell us where you found that costume! You look adorable!!

  4. I got the costume at Theatrix in Toronto and I believe the make is Leg's Avenue. It was pricey but I'll wear it for many more Halloweens to come!

    Green hornet and kato- so fun Jen! Did you go to the Mod Club party?
