Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mass Love

Not only am I glowing from within because I am in my home away from home, aka Miami, and not stuck in a snow bank in miserable Toronto -- but I am also thrilled because Kim over at Desire to Inspire included me in her WINKS (weekend links) post today!

Desire to Inspire is a mainstay of my daily blog-surfing and I love the fellow Canadian shout out- thanks Kim!

I am also excited because Grace over at Design*Sponge is going to be posting 'before and after' shots of my bedroom this Thursday.

To have such welcoming feedback and support from two design sites I love makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm also so excited that I've been added to the blog rolls of other blogs I adore, such as:

let your creativity flow
absolutely beautiful things
material girls
scented glossy magazines

I'm very glad I took the plunge and decided to start a blog of my own this year. Thanks for all the love everyone!!!

To cap off this lovely accomplishment I am going to dine on jalapeno hamachi at Nobu and perhaps sip a cocktail at the heavenly garden patio at the Shore Club.

How enticing does that patio look?

1 comment:

  1. oh i'm so envious... miami sounds so great right about now!
    family day today is turning out to be a really gloomy day!

    thanks for the mention and i can't wait to see the before and after pics of the bedroom :)

    jenn l
