Monday, March 10, 2008

A Much-Needed Monday Giggle

This weekend was anything but relaxing between the 30 cm of snow and endless errands to be run for my event this Thursday night. If any of you had a weekend like mine, then here is something to make you smile.

I know there are many people out there who object to Perez Hilton's daily gossip blog, but I for one think he can be quite hysterical. Sure some stuff he writes is mean but every now and then he comes up with a separated-at-birth post that amazes me.

Here are some of my favourites:


Left: Brett Michaels. Right: Goldie Hawn.


Left: Sarah Jessica Parker. Right: Dracula.


Left: Beyonce's mom, shiteous fashion designer Tina Knowles. Right: the female Gremlin


Left: Dina Lohan. Right: Michael Jackson.

You gotta admit some of those are petty damn good!!!

The gremlin = gene! Nice work P!


  1. some of those are actually quite scary! LOL

    oh i'm so sick of the snow...!!!

  2. the integrity of this blog cannot be jeopardized with perez. tmz maybe, but not perez.

  3. these are soo FUNNY...! Its terrible because i find Sara jessica parker cute.

    Jen Ramos
    '100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'
