Saturday, March 15, 2008

Red, White and Moose

I can finally share photos from my charity event: Red, White and Moose - the official launch party of the Young Associates of the Canadian Friends of the Israel Museum. (I know - it's a mouthful!)


Along with my co-chair Rina, we founded the Young Associates to raise awareness about the Israel Museum amongst young professionals in Canada.

imageHosted at iconic Canadian artist Charle's Pachter's Moose Factory in China Town (left), Red, White and Moose was our first big party to spread the word about how important the museum is to Israeli society.

The Moose Factory has won numerous architecture awards so we jumped at the chance to use it for our fist big party venue.

Pachter's work celebrates Canadian symbols so we took the theme of his work and ran wild with it. Red and white colours complemented the host of wonderful images of moose and flags on his walls and as the hosts, we of course wore red dresses.

Unique touches, such as our own personal Mountie posing with guests, a signature red and white cocktail, classic Canadian nibbles, such as butter tarts and maple pecan squares, and a red and white  sweet table as our giveaway made the party very festive.

Here are some shots courtesy of Tom Sandler photography:

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Rina and I went all out in red dresses with matching red lips! My lip pencil was called "cruella" (how fab!) and I even bought matching red peep toe pumps. As my friend Foster would say, I looked very "eralicious"

March08- Red, White and Moose 001

A donation of smores and candy apples rounded out a catering selection courtesy of my mom and some her gal pals. When you're a non-for-profit and you want it done well on no budget than sometimes you gotta do it yourself! Thanks Mom!

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Branded M&Ms, home made maple leaf sugar cookies and a variety of red and white candies and chocolate "moose droppings" made for an eye-catching candy selection that guests could fill branded Chinese take out cartons with before they went home.

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We served 'red, white and moose cocktails,' otherwise known as white cranberry juice and vodka with frozen red cranberries. Everyone had them them in hand and the boys loved it because they didn't feel sissy drinking the clear liquid. It was a big hit and the wine and moosehead beer practically went untouched.

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Myles the Mountie with Rina and I and Nat.

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Rina and I gave big thanks to Charles Pachter for being our lovely host! I recommend checking out his website as he has an incredible range of affordable art and is internationally recognized for his famous moose and flag pieces.


  1. Love the shout out!! Very eralicious indeed - that IS exactly what I said! The pics are fabulous, everything looks so wonderful - yay!!!

  2. Glad you had a good time - you looked fab! I'm so jealous you got to go inside that house. I think I saw it showcased on FT or some show like that on City and it looked so different and out of place amongst all the Victorian era houses.

  3. the big event! congrats - it looks like it was a great evening!

    yay, i can comment now:)
