Monday, April 28, 2008

Alexandra MacDonald

I really admired the photos printed a few weeks ago in a Globe and Mail story on designer Alexandra MacDonald's home in Stratford, Ontario. MacDonald is an interior decorator and the owner of Quimby Chadwick Designs. 

MacDonald home in Stratford

MacDonald home in Stratford

MacDonald home in Stratford

MacDonald home in Stratford

As the article mentions, the 19th century house originally had deep purple, wall-to-wall carpeting and had an overall dark  feeling. You would never know by looking at the photos now! These rooms are filled with light and are so warm and inviting!

My favourite is the beautiful archway in the living room!

1 comment:

  1. Yes the archway in the living room is my favorite too. The little kitchen is very too also.I like the see through glass cabniets.
