Friday, April 18, 2008

Design Inc: Black and White Bedroom

This Queen West bedroom that Sarah Richardson and her Design Inc team did a few years ago is one of my faves from the whole series!

The episode was on yesterday and years later I'm still drooling over the graphic black and white prints with the pale lavender accents.

The  finished room is a great mix of vintage/modern pieces and oozes individuality. It's very stylish and eclectic but has a soothing flow with distinct areas marked by the grey and white hide and reading lamp. How comfy do her arm chair and bed look?



  1. I love the black and white bedroom! Great inspiration.

  2. I recognize that chair and ottoman from Crate and Barrel! It's adorable- the whole room looks great

    Emily @ Material Girls

  3. Hey Emily,

    The chair is actually the client's own- they simply recovered it. I'd love to see the one from C&B that you're talking about though! They're opening their first store in Canada soon :)

    This link tells you where they sourced everything for the bedroom:

    Mof the stuff from Caban which went out of business a few years ago :(

  4. The chair isn't on their website anymore but I'm telling you it looked exactly like that one!!! I know I have a picture of it in my Idea Book somewhere so if I find it, I'll send it to you! I'm very surprised you all don't have a C&B will love it!

