Thursday, April 17, 2008

Playlist of the Week #1

Music has always played a huge role in my life. My last years of high school and all of university were spent going  to countless shows, discovering new bands and increasing my collection of CDs and EPs. I felt right at home whether it was front row, backstage, hanging out on the bus, chatting at the merch table or dancing in the crowd - I miss that buzz live music gave me.

Unfortunately the past year or so has seen my concert attendance slip (oh the perils of waking up for a 9-5 job in the burbs). As a result I hear less and less new music and the number of gigabytes stored in my itunes isn't nearly as large as it should be.

I'm trying to get back into the scene, so to honour this musical resurgence, I am going to start posting a weekly playlist. There may be a theme or it may be totally random, but either way I hope it will inspire you to explore new music and support struggling (and not so struggling) musicians everywhere.

So here is playlist #1, with a theme of the bands I'm seeing live this season. I've included links to where you can hear the song for free, but I urge you to buy the songs if you like them!

  1. Phantom Planet "Raise The Dead"
  2. The Coast "Tightrope"
  3. Born Ruffians "Little Garcon"
  4. Miracle Fortress " Hold Your Secrets to Your Heart"
  5. Panic at the Disco "There's A Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey..."
  6. Kate Nash "Foundations"
  7. Rogue Wave "Publish My Love"

Happy Listening!

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