Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pleasant Surprise

imageLast night the boy returned home from a conference in NYC.

Upon picking him up from the hell hole that is Pearson International Airport, he volunteered a "certain shade of blue" bag in his palm when rifling through his carry on.

Now don't get wasn't that kind of gift!

I was quite surprised to see the Tiffany's bag as I haven't received a gift from the iconic retailer since by Bat-Mitzvah (and I don't really subscribe to the typical mass of charm bracelets and necklaces that my peers have donned over the years)

Nevertheless, I was very excited to undo the silky white ribbon and find out what was picked out for me as Dave has a pretty good track record for taste in presents (which he buys for me despite me telling him not to!)

image It turns out he asked the ladies at the conference for their input and after letting them know that I'm not the chunky charm type, they settled on the Elsa Peretti® Letter "J" pendant.

Good choice Dave! I especially love it because the "J" resembles my own cursive interpretation of the letter.

PS- extra special muzzler to Dave on this!



    Awww...what a good bf!

  2. What a lovely story, he sounds like a keeper :) My university roomie and friend had the Tiffany charm bracelet from her Bat-Mitzvah and I went through a period of seriously wanting it. I have the "E" pendant and I love it.

  3. So pretty wom!!! But you gotta ease up on the dissing of charm bracelets...I'm offended! They can have a lot of sentimental meaning to people despite their potential clunkiness (if that's even a word).
    Love the J!! Excited to see you wearing it soon! xoxo
