Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thanks Washington Post!

A big thanks to Terri Sapienza at The Washington Post for choosing my blog as one of the picks to click this week

Congrats to my fellow picks: The Newlywed Diaries and So Haute

(Image from Ashley Whittaker room in House Beautiful)


  1. Congratulations to you too. I've been trying to think of a way to separate our trash from our recyclables, but haven't found a way that looks good. It doesn't help that Jennifer is a super-decorator and would laugh me out of the house if I ever ran my ideas by her.

  2. that's awesome! congrats to you

  3. Congrats to you too, Jessica! Very exciting!

  4. I finally got my hands on a hard copy of the post today - so crazy to see the blog title in print! (bolded print no less!, ha)

    thanks for all the warm wishes everyone :)
