Monday, May 26, 2008

Concierge and the City


I wanted to let my fellow Torontonians know about a new service: Concierge and the City. Based on a popular concept south of the border, this lifestyle management company fills the void for those in need of personal assistants from time to hectic time, as opposed to celebs who use them 24/7.

Concierge and the City offers to do whatever makes your life easier so you have more time to do what you want to do instead of the everyday stuff you need to get done. We’re talking walking your dog, picking up your dry cleaning, booking your vacation, arranging VIP status, and all the other errands that make the world go round.

Founded by Jodi Cohen, an established events producer who works in lifestyle PR, Concierge and the City is all about simplifying your life. Obviously the service is for people who subscribe to the notion that time is money and money is time, but Jodi emphasizes that the service is accessible to those from all walks of life.


Despite this emphasis on access, however, I think the service will be most popular with businesses, condos and boutique hotels using their in-house service program. Concierge and the City will do personal errands and make arrangements for employees -- quite the perk to play up when management is wanting to attract power players and rising corporate stars.

imageAdding to the personal assistant service, Concierge and the City brings lifestyle management online, offering info on the latest trends in food, fashion, beauty, décor, finance and more. The site also boasts an e-Shopping Mall and online account access where you can place orders and requests for arrangements.


Check out  Concierge and the City online for yourself, and as the site proclaims:


(Images via:  WXYC, Tutorial Blog, Nelson Business Financial Consultants)

1 comment:

  1. first step: outsource themselves a new copywriter to come up with a not-so-trite name.
