Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Toronto Vintage Hunt: Part 1


This is my friend Nat.

In addition to noting her lovely red hair, I will tell you that we have been friends since grade 5 and that she is always up for being my partner in cultural crime.

I'm very excited because Nat is about to embark on the exciting journey of outfitting her brand new condo in downtown Toronto.


I have happily offered my services to help decorate the one-bedroom loft-esque space, so from time to time you will see some posts about our shopping escapades.

Last weekend we started the process by venturing to queen west to scout out some eclectic vintage pieces. Our first stop was Koma Designs (1239 Queen St West), which was funky to say the least.

koma- may08 (5)

Besides the usual abundance of wooden coffee tables, the occasional tulip chair knock off and unappealing grey tweed office couch, there were some fabulous finds that Nat and I enjoyed.

koma- may08 (4)

imageThe mix of out-there light fixtures, weathered modern furniture, and odd decorative objects are worth exploring.

Industrial lamps, mushroom caps, vintage bikes and metal file cabinets could be your next personal treasure while Nat and I loved the steel bar stools with the foot rests that retailed for under $300.


We also liked this decorative wood cabinet, etched with birds and nature scenes.

It's reminiscent of Snow White and is available at half price too!

The mirror is in rough shape, but if you replaced the glass and sprayed the whole thing black or chose a cool colour like orange it could be a major conversation piece!

Bottom Line: if you're the type of person who thinks a mint green vintage dentist chair would be right at home in your living room than Koma is for you!

1 comment:

  1. queen west. the cameron. the rivolli. the queen mother!
