Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nova Scotia Recap: Part I

Most of my global readers probably have no clue where Nova Scotia is on the map, so before I share little tid bits of my summer getaway in the Atlantic province, here it is on a map of Canada:


To complete this geography lesson, here are some factoids that I myself had no clue about before venturing there:

  • Nova Scotia is the second-smallest province in Canada(P.E.I. is the smallest)
  • The province includes the mainland and Cape Breton Island, plus over 3800 coastal islands
  • Home to Alexander Graham Bell, creator of the telephone
  • Marconi sent the first wireless radio message across the Atlantic Ocean from Cape Breton Island
  • Nova Scotia means New Scotland in Latin


Now back to my vacay, after flying into Halifax and picking up our grandaddy faux-Bentley mobile (which I sadly couldn't drive as I'm under the tender age of 25), Dave and I departed for Antigonish to stay at a quaint B&B.

July08 - Nova Scotia (21)

We ended up being delinquents, however, as we overslept and only got some fruit salad instead of the full bacon and egg shebang...oops

July08 - Nova Scotia (56)

Fireworks and sparklers for Canada Day was very fun, although the maritime music with violins and twangs is kind of lost on me

July08 - Nova Scotia (41)

After one night in Antigonish, we headed to Baddeck, a cute little town on the shores of the Bras D'or Lakes at the bottom of Cape Breton Island. 


Our cozy inn was right on the water, with our own  balcony overlooking the abandoned lighthouse.

July08 - Nova Scotia (77)

We had a great time on Cape Breton Island, hiking, canoeing and getting an insider's look at the stunning Canadian wilderness.


Most of the towns we visited were very Jesus-esque, which made for some lovely photos of churches and some not-so-lovely in- your-face political signage.


Stay tuned for Halifax and Peggy's Cove!


  1. Wow your pictures are great. I definitely need to visit Canada.

  2. welcome back jess! great pics - you're seriously too cute :o) can't wait to see more!
