Thursday, September 4, 2008

Vive L’Affiche Moderne!

Yesterday I received a lovely e-mail from Melanie from L’Affiche Moderne letting me know about her online shop selling prints by young photographers, graphic designers and children’s illustrators.

L’Affiche Moderne offers high quality digital prints that are limited to 300 editions each. Priced at 59 Euro ($85 US/$ 90 CAD) for a large size (approx 20 X 20 inch ) or 29 Euro ($42 US/$ 44 CAD) for the smaller size (approx 12 X 12 inch), they are affordable ways to add original art to your home rather than the same old IKEA canvases people pick up.

Here are my favourite posters:

Paloma, Sartoris Jean-Christophe --- Clik to close

Jean-Christophe Sartoris


L'Alpes dû, Jeanspezial  --- Clik to close


L'Alpes dû

Jonville, Juery Franck --- Clik to close

Franck Juery


From ESB, Debuisser Benoît --- Clik to close

Benoît Debuisser

From ESB

Poissons, Billet Marion --- Clik to close

Marion Billet


Trafic, Sartoris Jean-Christophe --- Clik to close

Jean-Christophe Sartoris



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