Thursday, October 2, 2008

All Farewells

First Charlotte Moss announced she was closing the doors to her gorgeous townhouse in NYC.


Now I've discovered via Style Court that Ruthie Sommers has said the same of her LA boutique Chapman Radcliff.

Store View

Both will still have a presence on 1st Dibs but we all know it's not the same! Luckily I managed a visit to Moss's townhouse in July, but sadly it was just not meant to be for Ruthie's shop.

If you're in NYC or LA than go take advantage of the closing sales!


  1. NO!!!!! I love Chapman Radcliff! I cant believe they are closing. I want to decorate my whole house in Ruthie's style. Shit.

  2. I went away for vacation and so much has happened. I'm so sad to hear about this!

