Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Rainy Day and Kol Nidrai

On a blah day like today, a warm and comforting entryway to come home to is such a treat! I love this photo from  Style at Home – it’s a perfect pick-me-up from the grey skies and drizzling rain of October that is just so feh.


It’s also feh because tonight marks the beginning of Yom Kippur- the day of atonement where Jews must fast and pray for forgiveness from sundown tonight to sundown tomorrow. For all the oberservant yids in the house, I hope you have an easy fast!


PS- If you’re looking for a nice dairy dish to serve on Thursday night, check out Deb’s family’s noodle kugel on smitten kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica!
    Thanks for showcasing some of Style at Home's fabulous photography! I'm the editor of and you'll find lots more great photos and inspiration online. I also have a blog if you're interested in checking it out.

    Love your blog and just wanted to say hi!
