Friday, December 5, 2008

The Principle of Min Hyung

Promising young artist Min Hyung, a student at OCAD, currently has an exhibition titled "Uniformitarian Principle" at the Angell gallery.  I'm quite taken with the vivid imagination and colour displayed in the paintings, especially the bright blobs of colour that remind me of enticing candy! 

Here are my favourite pieces:

Oe Island by Min Hyung

Oe Island

2008, Acrylic and Ink on canvas, 60" × 48"

Self-portrait by Min Hyung


2008, Acrylic on bubble vinyl and acrylic on canvas, 60" × 48"

Unspoiled Beauty of The Desert by Min Hyung

Unspoiled Beauty of The Desert

2008, Acrylic and Ink on canvas, 60" × 48"

Three Person by Min Hyung

Three Person

2008, Oil, acrylic, spray paint, sand, stones on canvas, 60" × 48"

 Where is

Where is "In the line of fire playing"

2008, Acrylic and Ink on canvas, 60" × 48"

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