Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Smells Like Teen Spirit: A Round Up of Bedrooms for Adolescent Girls

I’ve covered little girls’ bedrooms, so now it’s time to move on to the next stage: adolescence! Teenage years are often filled with tumultuous experiments with styles and trends, and no space can better reflect the evolving identity of a girl more than her childhood bedroom. A teen girl’s boudoir is the sole place for her to express herself, so if the parents permit, up go posters, photos, bright paint colours and other mementoes of her newfound tastes.


The bedrooms below may not have been designed exclusively with teens in mind (and most often were executed under the careful watch of a seasoned decorator), but I think they embody the energy and spirit of teen girls with their vibrant colours and sassy styling:



  1. All the rooms are so stylish and sophisticated.
    Even an overgrown teen like me would love any one of them ha ha
    xo xo

  2. I love the bed under the arch!!!
    my nose cut hurts. it says hello.

  3. Saw the "Karey Kirtsy" and really like the use of closets and alcoves in this grouping.

    My daughter's only 8 and still shares a bunk bed with her 4 year old brother.

    She gets her own room in two years but many of these concepts (like low hanging pictures) can be used in her situation in order to personalize her space...err, the bottom bunk.

    I thank you for the finds but I'm sure she'll thank you even more!

  4. These rooms have the perfect attitude for a teenage girl. Just the right amount of sophistication.
    Thank you for the ideas.

