Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wine Wishes and Chocolate Dreams

I recently attended a birthday party at Simone Marie Belgian Chocolate, a cute little shop in the heart of Yorkville, and boy was it a sweet lover’s dream!

oct08- chocolate tasting for mir's 50th (13)

We learned all about chocolate – how cocoa beans are grown, how chocolate is made, what the different types consist of etc. – but the best part was obviously sampling the large variety of fine Belgian chocolates that the shop carries!

oct08- chocolate tasting for mir's 50th (5)

After being primed with some dips in a velvety chocolate fondue, we were given the most adorable plastic plate with a little nook for our wine glasses. As we made our way through the samples, which included a customized wrapper for the birthday girl, we were given three different wines to sip.

oct08- chocolate tasting for mir's 50th (10)

I thought it was a great idea for a birthday party. It’s always nice to learn something with your friends… and it doesn’t hurt if chocolate is involved either!


1 comment:

  1. mmm yum! I think I know what I'm doing for my birthday!
