Monday, February 2, 2009


Last year I posted about my inaugural-trip to Toronto’s Interior Design Show (IDS). With approximately 300 exhibitors, a packed schedule of talks with top practitioners, and line ups for everything from a bottle of water to access to the featured spaces- it was totally overwhelming but totally fun and informative. I was in awe of the sheer volume of retailers and designers who were showcasing their skills and wares and it was thrilling to see one of my favourite HGTV personalities in person on stage.


This year being able to work on one of the exhibits is such a huge thrill - so in order to make sure you hear about all the amazing talent I’m getting to witness for myself, I’m declaring this week’s postings be all about the IDS! Whether showcasing the portfolios of some of the featured designers or giving a sneak peak about some of the exhibitors, keep checking back here for everything-IDS related!

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