Thursday, July 9, 2009

“And what was just a world is a star”


I really really LOVED the Stratford production of West Side Story.

Even the often cranky Toronto Star critic Richard Ouzounian raved about the musical in his review.


The melodies, the dancing, the vocals, the creative stage direction – it was electric! Paul Nolan as Tony is swoon-worthy and Chilina Kennedy’s Maria is perfectly lovely. The entire cast reminds you of what true talent is and what it takes to be a triple threat. Plus it was nice to see an old dance teacher of mine tearing it up on stage as one of Anita’s girls.


If you’re within a couple of hours of Stratford then I totally recommend making the trip to see it. At Festival Theatre there are no bad seats and it is truly a wonderful production. It plays until  October so you have no excuses! 

(photos by David Hou)

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