Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can I Move in Mr. Nolan?


A veteran of New York’s fashion industry, Charles Nolan has created one of the most visually appealing boutiques I visited last month in NYC’s meatpacking district.


Akin to exploring an old relative’s basement for vintage treasures, you feel like you are discovering one-of-a-kind gems while you browse around the stunning store.

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Imaginative displays involving made-over antiques and quirky odds and ends are hard not to smile at while you make your way through the layers of colours and objects.

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The counter is beautifully detailed with ironwork on the front but the fun continues on top with cocktail rings and other bright baubles – plus the yards of amazing striped and solid grosgrain.


The store really feels like more of a groovy apartment then a boutique. I could honestly make myself right at home


The only bad part was having to leave those greek key x-benches behind – love them!!

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