Monday, July 20, 2009

Partners & Spade

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what Partners & Spade is, but that’s just part of its curious charm.


Part art gallery, part boutique and part studio, this NoHo establishment is not a conventional retailer. A constantly revolving roster of artists’ works are displayed and available for sale along with found and vintage objects but its the kind of browsing experience that leaves you more inspired than consumer-crazy.


One of the owners, the ever-creative Andy Spade, wanted to produce a space displaying everyday objects in new ways that make people think and indeed you can’t help but take it all in when you peruse the bright white space.


Colourful rickshaw photographs by Greg Vore ($400 each) lean nonchalantly on top of a radiator


And those looking for a little confidence boost can find the uplift in the form of retro trophies they can pretend they actually won


You can channel your inner grade schooler with Some massive papier-mache items, including this retro car ($900)


Clear bulb table lamps by Ingo Maurer carry a made scientist vibe ($1,270 each)


But my favourite part of the space by far was the temporary display heralding a book written by the progeny of the Maysles brothers, the documentary filmmakers who shot Grey Gardens in the 1970s.


A visual feast, the hardcover book put together by Rebekah and Sara Maysles contains vibrant illustrations, collages, archival odds and ends and more from the film - all edited together in love letter to the Beales.


A lush scrapbook celebrating big and little Edie’s legacy as lovable eccentrics who didn't care about the world around them, the book also comes with a bonus audio recording of unreleased conversations from the film and is a must for hardcore fans


I eagerly snapped my own copy up and was happy to know when I bought it that all the money goes directly to the Maysles girls. The colourful cover looks very at home in my room


  1. I'm loving that crazy bike! And also have a soft spot for the whole Grey Gardens oeuvre, so will be stopping by this shop quite soon.

  2. It's only funny until someone buys a row house next to Grey Gardens. Which I just did. Apparently. Sigh.
