Thursday, August 20, 2009

Toronto Spotting in Time Traveler's Wife

Toronto often subs in for New York or Chicago every time a Hollywood production sets up shop, so when The Time Traveler's Wife shoot came to town 2 years ago Toronto put on its Chicago cap once again. Despite pretending to be Chi-town, locals can catch unmistakable glimpses of Toronto throughout the film.


One of the pivotal sets that is instantly recognizable is the McLean House at the Estates of Sunnybrook, which happened to be this year's Junior League of Toronto Showhouse! After spending so much time there it was a trip to see the characters walking through the halls, eating in the dining room and walking down the spiral staircase. Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana even get married on the grounds in the film. Upping the local ante is the fact that a few members of Broken Social Scene are the wedding band!


In the movie you can also see Bana jogging along the path at the beaches in Toronto's East end but perhaps my favourite Toronto spotting happened during the shoot off set when I bumped into him at my local Loblaws. He was standing in the frozen food aisle in a baseball cap looking ruggedly handsome. No one gave him a second look so I said hello and he was very sweet telling me how much he enjoyed Toronto because it is so similar to Australia.


Have you seen the movie yet? Did you read the book? I for one bawled my eyes out but let me know what you think..

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