Thursday, September 10, 2009

Does Your Home Look Like This?


or this?


or how about this:


If you have a room that resembles the above decor debacles than I urge you to enter the most disastrous photo you have of the sucker in Style at Home’s makeover contest

Two winning entries will receive a $2,000.00 CAD gift certificate to Home Depot and there are 20 participating prizes to be won as well just for commenting and entering!

imageSubmissions are open until Sept. 24 and you can start voting for your favourites from Sept. 25 until Oct. 8

PS- it’s only open to Canadians - sorry my yankee friends!


  1. Aw! Too bad it’s for Canadians only. This sure is very interesting. I would love to know who will win this contest.

  2. That’s a very clever idea! I’m so excited to see all the disaster interior designs. That must be funny.
