Sunday, October 18, 2009


I swear sometimes I have the culinary tastes of a 60 year old woman. Most of my peers would cringe at the very notion of duck hash, yet as soon as I saw Daniel Boulud’s recipe in the new ELLE Decor, I conspired with my mother to try it out within the week.


Ever the sport and putting her professional culinary training to good use, my mother cooked up 2 individual servings in her adorable All-Clad’s. They not only looked divine, but they tasted delicious as well. A scheduling error on my part meant we didn’t sit down to eat it until well after 11p.m. but that just added to the bizarre element of our odd meal and made it all the more amusing.


I probably wouldn’t rush to make this meal again, but for a fancy shmancy brunch it definitely would fit the bill! Thanks mom!


  1. Looks yummy! I love eating eggs at night (although usually it's a bit later than 11 and I'm drunk)

  2. Wow!!! Looking at that picture makes me felt so hungry. That recipe really looks so delicious. Yummy!!!
