Thursday, December 10, 2009

For Your Freudian Friends...

NYC- July08 (112)

Last summer when I posted about my maiden voyage to Bergdorf's 7th floor, one of my best friends commented that this John Derian decoupage multi-piece wall hanging would be perfect for her future office as a therapist. Titled "In Good Health," the installation was totally stunning and perfect for a psychology counsellor, but totally expensive at over $1,200


Luckily when I was in the John Derian store this summer, I spotted the same design on heavy cardstock for a much more affordable price.  I snapped it up with plans to frame it for her home office, once she moved into her new home with her fiancee. I found a charming gilded frame at value village and used strips of textured wallpaper instead of plain paper to give the matting depth and interest. The result is a perfectly personalized gift that suits her to a T!


  1. Great gift Jess! Can't wait to see it in Foster's new home!

  2. Omg - I die that I'm on your blog today. Most famous! Best gift ever, you're so thoughtful and creative! I'm excited for the dude to come and hang it on the wall for me (yes, I'm incompetent and need to hire someone for that. Don't judge).
