Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sensational Safari Moments Inspired By The World Cup


With the global gaze on South Africa right now, I cannot help but think back to the trip of a lifetime my family and I took to Cape Town and Kruger Park last year. It was such an amazing experience, and despite the luxurious accommodations, gracious staff, unbelievable food and amazing game viewing at Savannah Private Game Reserve -- we were reminded that we were indeed in the bush on several occasions. An employee of a nearby lodge was mauled to death by a hyena after falling asleep in front of the TV with his door open, and we were regaled with many stories about losing fingers to snake bites, multiple bouts with malaria and leopards attacking friends in nearby villages. This really gave us an enormous respect for our surroundings, and  left a lasting impression of the majesty and real life conditions of the bush on us.

Here are some of my favourite photos that I have previously never posted:

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(all original photos taken by The World According to Jessica Claire – not to be reposted without express permission by me)


  1. Looks amazing - I really hope I can take a trip like this at some point in my life!

  2. I did that trip this past november! Its really amazing... I wish I had more time there. 10 days is really not enough!
