Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome rue!

I have enjoyed browsing the premiere issue of rue magazine - an online publication catering to bloggers and designers alike!  Cofounded by Crystal Gentilello and Anne Sage, I am totally feeling their many philosophies, including their motto that a glass of pink champagne makes a party and that friendships can be forged across continents based on a mutual lust of leopard print pillows (so agree!)


I am really impressed with the roster of talent that rue was able to gather for their debut, including my Hollywood regency role models Ron Woodson and Jaime Rummerfield and the ubiquitous Vincente Wolf.

Just like Lonny, the mag has tons of features and photos that you wouldn't normally get to see in a print magazine due to the lack of reliance of advertising revenue for the volume of printing. A wide of variety of design styles are showcased, with an emphasis on the quirky eclectic look so many loved from the pages of Domino.

Here are some of my favourite images from the premiere issue:

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If you sign up on their mailing list you will be entered to win from free swag so head to now.

PS- a bonus feature on the website aptly titled extras, has playlists and video how-to's for additional online fun- good times!

(all photos from rue)

1 comment:

  1. I love these pics of yours. They are so inspiring...I want gorgeous pieces like these in my home!! STAT! :)
