Monday, May 2, 2011

It’s Arrived! Style At Home’s June Issue

The Style At Home spread of our apartment made its way to subscribers today as part of the June 2011 issue and it looks absolutely awesome! The entire editorial team did a magnificent job putting it together and of course, I cannot thank senior design editor Margot Austin and photographer Stacey Brandford enough!

imageI don’t want to give too much away, so make sure you buy the issue when it hits newsstands on the 9th and check out my blog posts, including before and after photos, on the Style At Home blog at


I will also be filming a walk through of the apartment for CityLine so stay tuned for details of when that will air!


  1. Wow!Your apartment looks amazing.It
    is so chic and sophisticated.Please,
    please post the rest of the pictures
    of your gorgeous home on your blog
    for those of us who live outside of
    Canada and therefore are not able
    to buy the magazine.

  2. LOVE the sneak peek! I'm dying to see more! Hope I can find a copy down here in Texas!

  3. Hi Jessia, I read about your beautiful apartment in Style at Home. I'm giving a shout out to anyone who might be reading my little corner of blogland about your blog. Have a wonderful day.

  4. I read about your apartment in my Style at Home mag. I have a very small spot in blogland, but wanted to mention you. Good luck with all your new adventures.

  5. I completely fell in love with your apartment after reading the latest edition of Style at Home. I was thrilled to see that you also have a blog! I love connecting with other Canadian bloggers and look forward to following you.

    Melissa Hare
    Hare Styling

  6. Hi Jessica! Just wanted to let you know that your home had me drooling, I adore it and I just love your style. And I hope you don't mind, I plan to feature a few of the photos from the Style at Home spread tomorrow on my blog :)
    Nancy xo

  7. I'm a fellow Canuck, but now living in the U.S. I keep checking my mailbox to see if the new issue has arrived. I can't wait to see your apartment decor!
