Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My CityLine Debut

One of the big things I worked on during my first two weeks at the magazine was the Style At Home episode of CityLine. Keeping in line with the content from the June issue, I did a taped walk through of my apartment as well as an in-studio segment on Style At Home’s trendspotting coloumn, which was all about zig-zags and chevrons! (not a stretch for a missoni maniac such as myself!)

cityline appearance- tour- may 2011

My past job at THA had me assisting behind the scenes on putting together similar types of segments so I knew what I was signing up for, but standing in front of the camera solo was a whole new ballgame! Thankfully the awesome producer Anita and cameraman Scott gave me plenty of tips and our managing editor Tamara Robins Griffith gave me fab advice like the seasoned pro that she is.

cityline appearance- may 2011

I am quite pleased with how it turned out so please take a peek at the episode on the CityLine webpage to get a good look at my apartment and see some fabulous ways to inject some zig-zag’s into your own space!

PS- a special thanks to all the awesome suppliers that lent us product to show off in the studio and an even bigger thanks to the CityLine crew, including the super sweet Tracy Moore, who welcomed me with open arms :)


  1. I love your segment and the walk
    through of your apartment for
    CityLine. Your apartment is so
    gorgeous. You did an amazing job
    decorating it.

  2. Your apartment is just gorgeous!!! I too am a Missoni lover, so I love your take on the zig-zag.
