Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Smile You’re Engaged!

A popular option most couples opt for these days is to take engagement portraits with their wedding photographer. It not only offers a chance to work together prior to the big day so you can iron out any kinks, but it also lets you get comfortable in front of the camera with your fiancée. For my portraits, I always knew I wanted to part with the usual hum drum jeans and white shirt sessions you see everyday and try something fun and different. Luckily Dave put on his accommodating hat again and indulged me and our photographer Storey Wilkins!

dave and jess 1dave and jess 6

We started in the apartment where the setee got some cheeky action (and lucille snuck in there too!), and then moved outside into our neighbourhood to hang out by a blooming cherry tree I had scouted. (Storey and I timed the shoot in May to take advantage of the gorgeous blooms)

dave and jess 8image

But the real fun began when we unleashed the mammoth bunch of balloons I had ordered (inspired by the whimsy and plain old prettiness of the Miss Dior Cherie ad that Sofia Coppola created)

dave and jess 7dave and jess 3dave and jess 5imagedave and jess 4

We had a great time and are thrilled with the end results.

Thank you Storey!

(all photos by Storey Wilkins)


  1. Awesome photos! LOVE the balloon photos the best!

  2. Fantastic photos! You guys are a very attractive couple. Oh, and that striped sofa - divine.

    Oksana from www.ordermatters.com/blog

  3. The photos are STUNNING!!! Can't wait for next Saturday night!

  4. Stunning photos!! Love the balloons and cherry tree!

  5. Simply beautiful...Congratulations!

  6. Adorable! Love the balloons. How fun.
