Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Hunger Games: Get The Look

If you’re a die hard Hunger Games fan, you can consider the odds are now ever in your favour because I have sourced out some of the set design elements used in the dystopian trilogy’s first film so you can get your own Panem fix right in your own home.


For the record I’m not into the jumble of concrete and neon that they call the Capitol, and I was overwhelmed by the abundance of deco furniture in the train car, (declared mahogany no less, to Effie Trinket’s dismay when Katniss stabs the dining table), but it’s a dystopian society, not a a Parish-Hadley interior, so I’ll commend set director Larry Dias on a job well done and point out a couple of my favourite elements used in the set design:image

These seatbelt chairs are used in the dining room where the District 12 tributes dine while prepping for the games. In the past I‘ve seen them at L’Atelier in Toronto in a vibrant orange colour as well.


Hanging in the train car is a crystal cube chandelier similar to this popular design available at ELTE which is perfect for a transitional space looking for a hit of glam.


Also on the train car is a tubular metal bar cart, reminiscent of this beautiful Ralph Lauren version which has lovely deco leanings.


And while we’re on topic, I couldn’t help but tweak over the likeness of a glammed up Peeta, played by Josh Hutcherson, to Mike Hindert, known as Mike H or Dirt, bassist of The Bravery. Like scary!

Happy Hunger Games!

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