Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Return of the Jessie

After a few months of recuperating post-wedding and working hard at my position as design editor at Style At Home, I am happy to write that I am going to take a crack at keeping the blog up amidst the craziness that is my life. It will be a fun way to give sneak peaks of what I’m working on at the magazine, the progress of decorating projects I have on the go, and more of the same old jessica claire’s world shenanigans that you have so enjoyed over the past 4 years.


To bring you up to speed, the wedding was simply divine. I hope to share more photos with you eventually, but until then these snapshots from the amazing Storey Wilkins will suffice.


As if being a newlywed wasn’t exciting enough, Dave and I also bought bought a house in a wonderful neighbourhood. The catch is that it needs some major reno’s (the photo of the log cabin which was transplanted into the basement sort of speaks for itself, no?) The house hasn’t been touched in decades - we’re talking no central air, knob and tube wiring, asbestos…the works! – so you could say we have our work cut out for us. I can’t wait to dig in and get started so I’ll be sure to update you on the madness as it progresses.


In the meantime, here are some of the latest CityLine episodes I taped this year, including segments covering spring decorating and entertaining ideas, a creative shoe display idea and other stories inspired by the current issues of Style At Home.


Happy viewing!

(wedding photos by storey wilkins)


  1. Welcome back to blogging! Keep it up.

  2. Welcome back Jessica! So excited to see your Style at Home sneak peaks and the fabulous decorating gigs you've got on the go! xo

  3. How are you liking American Dervish? Does it live up to the hype?

  4. I'm happy that you are back. I missed
    your posts.
