Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Best Before and After…

I’ve enjoyed my fair share of interior and furniture makeovers over the years, but I must say my most favourite before and after ever thus far has been transforming from a waddling preggo, into the mommy of  two heart-meltingly sweet human babies.


Jack and Charlie are now three weeks old, and I still can’t get over how they started off as one small speck of nothing that decided to randomly split and grow into two separate little dudes. Because they were delivered early at 36 weeks, they’re still pretty tiny (especially Charlie who is still under 5 pounds),  so we’ve been hunkering down at home away from the cold winter and germs. It’s basically baby-induced house arrest, but at least it’s a chic house that we’re stuck in!


I am so lucky to have an amazing support system of family and help keeping me afloat amidst our crazy around-the-clock feeding schedule and all the chaos that comes with being a new mom of two newborns - so much so that I’ve even stolen a couple quick moments for some blogging! Look out for some more mommy-centred posts in the coming weeks and I’m excited to share that a second Style At Home feature on my home  is coming out soon in the April issue, so I’ll be sharing behind-the-scenes content about that as well!


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  2. This is so adorable! Being a Mom is the best thing in the world, congrats!

    P.S. I absolutely love your home, especially your powder room, in the new Spring issue.


