Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Wardrobe Alert: Mossimo Lounge Pants

I knew the recovery from a C section wasn’t going to be all rainbows and flowers, but I was so unprepared for the deflated balloon feeling I’m experiencing with my stomach. I realize having twins pushed my stomach to its limit but holy hell (warning: mom anatomy terminology ahead!) my uterus is still so swollen and painful, making fitting into any pre-maternity pants a pipe dream. This means the only pants I’m wearing these days are sweats and leggings that don’t irritate either my now empty womb/incision and leftover maternity pants- wooo!



Considering my fashion limitations, I was very pleased to receive a pair of these Mossimo sweats from my sister, which have a more refined lounge vibe to them as opposed to the bulkier versions of sweats that I often sport. I went up a size to ensure nothing was to snug on my tender stomach and although I still look like I’m 5 months pregnant, I at least feel a little less hefty in these sleeker sweats. And for less than $25 a pop, I bought another pair for myself in black!

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