Friday, February 8, 2008

Valentines Fleurs


Red roses are the obvious choice for a valentines day bouquet, but I was bowled over when I saw some alternate flower arrangements on Martha Stewart's site.

If I was entertaining you can bet your bottom dollar I would be trying out one of the fantastic bouquets myself!





How stunning!?!


Tulips are a softer alternative to roses in romantic pastels that match the sweet hues of the classic valentines candy.




I also like the more firey  version with red tulips  and cinnamon hearts as the filler.


To make these I'd put stoppers on each tulip stem and then just fill the vase with the conversation candy.


Or I could  just place a smaller vase within a larger vase and fill the gap with the candies.

Stay tuned for photos of my valentines cookies- some of them turned out perfect! (others not so much, ha)

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