Sunday, February 10, 2008

Here They Are!

As previously posted, I had ambitious cookie-making plans for this year's valentines day.

Below are the fruits of my you like?


I had so much fun mixing the icing colours for the candy heart cookies. I ended up using a fondant writer for the "xoxo" but my hands were too clumsy to write more complicated sentiments.


I had so much fun making the requisite red, white and pink heart cookies too. You can never go wrong with red on valentines day! They were very time-consuming though...


Don't they look so cute next to the china tea cup and creamer?


Someone at work offered me ten bucks for a dozen. In the future I will charge more as they took a looooooong time, but it was still exciting to have my first baking request by someone other than my mom.


I packaged them up in bunches and will be dispensing them over the next week to friends, fam and of course:  the boyfriend.

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