Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How's It Hanging: Part 2

image Most design enthusiasts enjoy the look of a gallery wall of sketches, cameos, prints, paintings and photographs - but as we know, achieving the look can be difficult.

Part 1 of How's It Hanging, contained some tips and tricks from House and Home's Lynda Reeves.

Now part 2's wisdom on hanging art comes from the venerable Ms. Stewart.

  • When grouping several pieces of art together, arrange and rearrange them on the floor until you find a composition you like.
  • If holding up a piece of art to the wall while you stand back and appraise the layout, make sure you cover the hanging hardware with masking tape first to keep it from scratching the wall.
  • Don't leave measurements to guesswork when you are hanging pictures; get out the tape measure and be exact.
  • Move the pictures over a sofa or chair down a bit; the area will become more cohesive, cozy, and inviting.
  • Emphasize a chair rail by running a series of photos right above it.
  • Hang several small pieces just over a desk - they'll provide a refreshing view when you look up from your work.
  • You'll want to leave some blank wall space between art so the eye can rest; what's not there will allow you to appreciate what is.
  • Follow your instincts and learn to trust yourself. If it feels right, don't be afraid to do something a little different!

Here are more art arrangements to inspire you:










  1. Thank you for the inspiration! Beautiful blog!

  2. I love wall groupings and this was such an excellent post on them. I agree with Yoli, thanks for the inspiration!

