Saturday, November 15, 2008

Royalty and Riches

In the past I have posted about a philanthropic organization I work with called the Young Associates of the Canadian Friends of the Israel Museum. I'm proud to share some of the amazing photos from our latest event, Royalty and Riches, which took place a couple of weeks ago at Casa Loma, and which was written up in this weekend's National Post.



The CFIM partnered with renowned auction house Christie's, who displayed fabulous gems, jewels and watches from the New York December sale before they hit the auction block next month.


A gorgeous dinner for annual partners was followed by the chance to play dress-up with the priceless baubles, as well as a lecture on the jewels and watches and a delicious dessert reception.

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Fiori did a fabulous job on the dinner tables and us Young Associates went DIY and dressed our tables with purple velvet runners and vases filled with regal -themed treats and favours including ring pops, purple and gold crowns and necklaces and chocolate coins.


The fun continued past midnight with an on-site dance party complete with a fabulous breakdancing troupe, music courtesy of DJ Dougie Boom and more.

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With the help of sponsor Herzig Eye Institute, we raised funds that will provide free admission to the Israel Museum for 20,000 Israeli children of all religions and ethnic backgrounds.


My co-chair Rina and I both donned vintage for the night. I wore an emerald cocktail confection from the 60s, which I purchased at Cabaret, and she went for a sparkling diamond shift. That's us with Museum Director James Snyder who flew in from Jerusalem and Maureen Cogan, who is the director of the International Friends organizations.


All in all Royalty and Riches was an amazing night that we could not have pulled off without our fabulous committee, especially our event chair Jordan and the rest of the CFIM team.


If you're a fellow Torontonian interested in attending future CFIM events like this one, please drop me a line and I'll put you on our e-mail list.

(photography courtesy Tom Sandler Photography and  Take More Photos)


  1. jess congrats! it looks like a hugely succesful event!

  2. Awesome write-up. What a fun night!

  3. You are sooo adorable!!! Really, really beautiful = love that dress too - what a big event to chair, I'm impressed!!


  4. amaaaazing dress! the colour is so fantastic!

  5. that dress is stunning! did your boyfriend wait patiently while you picked it out? He is great!
