Thursday, September 24, 2009

Anne Hepfer's Homage to Coco Chanel

One of the most buzzed about rooms in the JLT Showhouse was Anne Hepfer's homage to Coco Chanel. The celebrated NYC-import fashioned a glamorous dressing room that made the most of the space's angular ceilings and small footprint, resulting in a jewel box any lady would love to primp in.

From the vinyl-wallpaper to the stunning lacquered vanity to the mirrored-dormers, Anne's room had designers wishing they had thought of it first! And what's not to love: the classic black and white palette is topped with luxurious hits of gold while grosgrain details and bold patterns entice the eye . It is simply divine!


Anne was kind enough to answer some questions about her space:

1. Coco Chanel is the obvious inspiration behind your space. Is fashion a constant muse in your work or was this a first-time experiment?

I am frequently inspired by fashion, textiles and the details on couture design.  Chanel’s timeless elegance is something I strive for as a designer, as well as attention to the finest details and great quality.


2. What is your favourite element in your design scheme?

I tried a first time experiment and that was mirroring the dormers. It truly was a wow factor and brought light and reflective qualities into the room, and made the room feel polished and finished. Chanel was obsessed with mirrors!  The Phillip Jeffries glossy quilted vinyl wallpaper looked fabulous – like the caviar Chanel bag. We trimmed the corners of the room and the baseboards in black gros \grain, which functionally hid the seams, and visually turned the room into a graphic jewel box. Stepping into the room felt like stepping into a Chanel box!


3. Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring interior designers?

Words for aspiring designers… learn everything you can in design school and from a mentor designer. Take a course in business development and management and learn how to sell and how to properly run a business. A lot of people think designing is just “fluff.” It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to run a successful business.


Thanks again to the lovely Anne Hepfer for answering my questions and sharing her design with us!


  1. Wow that room is gorgeous. I love the framing around the window seats and the vanity. Amazing.

  2. Wow, that's a fabulous space! Love the vinyl wallpaper. And I agree, I'm surprised this room wasn't included in the House & Home spread.

  3. The room actually was included in the spread. I'm not going to only feature rooms that weren't included- just my favourites!

    Thanks for the comments :)

  4. Your vanity and room are simply stunning! So elegant, chic and romantic all at the same time.
