Monday, September 28, 2009

Crawling Tecumseth: tō-come-sĕe


Last week was, Crawling Tecumseth: tō-come-sĕe, the second annual gallery crawl organized by the Young Associates of the Canadian Friends of the Israel Museum.


Event chairs Matt, Sarah and Laura, along with Rina, myself and our lovely committee put together the awesome evening in order to raise funds and awareness for the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

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As guests sipped our signature cocktail, “the art star,” they took in fabulous contemporary art at Susan Hobbs Gallery, Georgia Scherman Projects and Birch Libralato. I really enjoyed exploring galleries I had never had the chance to visit, but I must say my favourite pieces of the night  by far - Cathy Daley’s super-feminine works - were to be seen at the latter.

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The party ended at Diaz Contemporary where fabulous kitschy works by kelly mark lit up the room.


Tasty homemade treats, such as sugar cookies fashioned to look like artist palettes and sprinkle covered chocolate-dipped pretzel sticks were delish, and everyone got to hear a bit about the museum in Jerusalem while simultaneously experiencing culture in their own backyard.


Yet another fab event from the Young Associates!

(photos by Brian Mosoff)

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